National Haiku Day

netEffx Poetry jam

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We’re celebrating national haiku day on April 17, 2023! Grab a coffee and your favorite bakery treat and enjoy our employees showing off their creative side. Here’s some haiku about technology and life in the shop!

Electricity flows
Bits and bytes dance in the air
Tech connects us all

Wires in a wall
People speaking with no sound
Networks connecting

Guarding your data,
Defending against attacks,
Cyber heroes fight.

Show me the data
Spreadsheets capture big and small
Tech and time evolve

Infinite knowledge
Pixels and screens come alive
Tech world never sleeps

Forgot my password
Blue screen on my computer
Data Protection

Cyber Defenses
Shields for your digital life,
Protect your data

A finite toner
Computer blanking with freeze
Magenta low, help

Tech my bill payer
Allows me GREAT co-workers 😉
FUTURE TECH … who knows?

Man of many hats
Blue eyed IT service tech
Customers love me

The spring time is here
Birds chirping in the fresh air
Best time of the year

Looking for a creative solution?

At our company, we believe that creativity is the key to success in the fast-paced world of IT. Our unique approach to problem-solving and innovation sets us apart from the competition, and makes us the perfect choice for businesses looking for IT services that are as creative as they are effective. Contact us today to learn more about how our creative solutions can help your business thrive.